A Collection Of Quotes From The Writings Of Moreno Dal Bello
The heart, soul and purpose of the Gospel is to dispel ignorance by revealing Christ.
- For God So Loved...WHO?
However, right, people may think they are, their conviction can never do away with, or compensate for, the consequences of the error they have unwittingly embraced.
- For God So Loved...WHO?
People say it’s not important WHAT you believe but WHOM you believe. But surely WHAT you believe about whom you believe DEFINES the one you believe in.
- God’s Only Gospel
The Bible teaches that in order for a man to believe the true Gospel He must be blessed of God; he must be born again—born of God (see Matt. 16:17; John 3:3,5; 6:44,45), for the Gospel is God’s, and He reveals It to whomsoever He wills. Salvation is not, and never has been, the result, or product of a man’s will or works, but wholly of God’s mercy and grace. God says: "...I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but OF GOD that sheweth mercy" (Rom. 9:15,16 cf. Ex. 33:19).
- God’s Only Gospel
There are billions of people on this earth, but only one you and only one me. We may have many similarities to other people, but all the characteristics which make up every individual sets every individual person apart from all others. So, too, there is only ONE God and ONE Lord Jesus Christ in Whom there is hope and salvation for all who believe in HIM! There is no other person who can save you but the True Jesus.
- God’s Only Jesus
Salvation itself is incompatible with ignorance of Who Christ is and what Christ has done.
- God’s Only Jesus
…atonement was never something that was conditioned on those for whom it was made. The Old Testament atonement was for God’s people ONLY, and this was the atonement which was the type, or shadow, of that which was to come.
- Atonement For Whom?
Man in his natural fallen state simply cannot accept the fact that there is nothing that he can do, or that he is to contribute, in order to gain favor with God.
- Atonement For Whom?
The doctrine of Christ is the core element in proper Christian unity and fellowship.
- God Loves Doctrine
The Christian has no business whatsoever attending a church service where a false gospel is taught by men who have no light and know not and abide not in the doctrine of Christ.
- God Loves Doctrine
SINCERITY IS NOT THE SEED and therefore no amount of it can bring forth a new creature in Christ, for this is wholly the domain of the True Seed of Christ: His Gospel. Sincerity of belief is not the evidence, proof or qualifier for salvation.
- Born Of The Gospel
The Gospel is not a matter of preference but a matter of what God says it is.
- Born Of The Gospel
Man’s rebellion against God is not always displayed by way of immorality, but IS consistently manifested in the many ways and means man has concocted in seeking after and coming to God.
- Who Are The Lost?
No one can rightly claim to believe in the Righteousness of Christ if they also believe that they were saved before hearing of that Righteousness or believing that salvation is, in part, conditioned on their obedience.
- Who Are The Lost?
One must believe what God says His Word teaches. To attempt to enter heaven with man’s teaching of what the Word of God says is like trying to board an airplane with a home-made ticket.
- What Is The Gospel?
Any who believe or promote another gospel or who say that there is salvation in any other gospel other than Paul's are lost at that point in time. Paul was a minister of the Gospel who said of some he had not even met that they were lost based on the fact that they preached another gospel and not the one and only Gospel given to him of God.
- What Is The Gospel?
If there is no proper understanding there can be no legitimate believing. True understanding and comprehension is not realized simply because we have a view, or opinion, on a matter, by what we think a word or phrase means, but by acknowledging what the Author has intended.
- By The Obedience Of One
No one by nature is in pursuit of the True God. All are headed in the opposite direction, chasing after false gods that cannot save!
- By The Obedience Of One
True Christianity is not about what man must do to get saved but what Christ Jesus the Lord has done TO save!
- God’s God News
If Jesus Christ has stated that HE is the Way to God, then there is no other. Jesus says that HE is the Way to salvation, not you AND He! Either salvation is obtainable or achievable by following whatever religion one takes a fancy to, or salvation comes by believing the truth about One Person: Jesus Christ.
- God’s Good News
What Christ has done is something which cannot be separated from the doctrine which tells us who Christ actually died for.
- Jesus Did What For Whom?
The conditions of salvation are made known to show us that we need to look at an EXTRAORDINARY Man to act on our behalf. They are designed, not to cause us to look to ourselves, but to turn to Him for hope.
- Jesus Did What For Whom?
Anyone believing they were saved when they adhered to a gospel that conditioned salvation, to any degree, on themselves, regardless of what they now claim to believe, is as lost as they can be.
- To Whom Belongs The Glory?
- Not Willing That Any Should Perish
The true Christian Faith is not a religion, nor is it primarily a lifestyle. True Christianity is all about a message—God’s Message: the Gospel.
- Not Willing That Any Should Perish
Salvation is God saving, or rescuing, a sinner from the eternal punishment due unto their sin and transferring them to a state of eternal safety and security.
- Not Willing That Any Should Perish
The Word of God says that all those who will receive eternal life are those whom the Father has chosen to give to His Holy Son.
- Those Whom Thou Hast Given Me
Christ’s work of atonement was about EXCHANGING the sins of His people for His Righteousness.
- Those Whom Thou Hast Given Me
What shows we are united with God—walking together with Him—is the fact that we AGREE WITH HIM about Who HE says Christ is and what HE says Christ has done.
- Just A Doctrinal Thing?
The turning of a blind eye to that which threatens ones belief system, is the action of one who is in a cult—not of those who are willing to sit down and discuss things in a reasonable and civil manner.
- Just A Doctrinal Thing?
The observance of traditions that are not based on truth and do not come from God has kept great multitudes from the truth and in bondage to the false gospels which oppose it.
- Who Hath Believed Our Report?
How can a man be saved who believes errors concerning the Gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation, revealing that he has wrong notions of what it is, and of how God saves? How can he be believing in the Gospel of God which, along with the faith of God, is given so that THERE WILL BE NO MISTAKE as to Who God is and how God saves!!!
- Who Hath Believed Our Report?
Physical death does not retard or hinder, it is a cessation of all activity! So too, spiritual death has not placed man in a state of spiritual retardation but in one of lifeless inactivity, incapable of any action. Man is not in a state of spiritual deceleration, but has been completely halted and is utterly irreparable.
- Election Is Just Not Fair!
There is no condition for salvation that Christ did not meet.
- Election Is Just Not Fair!
So everyone believes what they believe because they believe it to be right. Yet this can never change the fact that no matter how much a person may believe what they believe to be right, their conviction, in and of itself, is no guarantee that they are right.
- How Many Gospels?
There is no point in talking about or praising God for the death, burial and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ if your knowledge of these things is not in accordance with the Scriptures.
- How Many Gospels?
Anything about a saved man that is alive TO God has been made alive BY God!
- Faith To Believe What?
How could anyone possibly come to the true God before hearing of Him and being taught by Him? How can faith in a false gospel ever justifiably be used, or interpreted, as proof that one has been taught, or heard and learned of the Father?
- Faith To Believe What?
A false gospel is not to be judged so when its errors reach a certain point, but in the fact that it contains any error at all!
- “Christ Shall Profit You Nothing”
If there is anything different about a gospel, anything in it which differs from that great Gospel of God, it is a gospel that cannot save and God will not tolerate anyone who believes in anything that differs from His Gospel!! After all, isn’t salvation about believing what GOD has said and repenting of what man’s doctrines teach, of everything that contradicts what God has said?
- “Christ Shall Profit You Nothing”
God has promised to save His people from their sins, and the Gospel of the grace of God explains how He does it.
- The Doctrines Of The Gospel Of The Grace Of God
For salvation to be all of grace, it stands to reason that ALL of salvation must be all of grace.
- The Gospel Of The Doctrines Of The Grace Of God
Be willing to know the truth as God has written It and be fully abandoned to it regardless of the earthly consequences.
- The Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit
According to the Word of God, the only unity that can exist is that between light and light or darkness with darkness. NEVER CAN THERE BE A UNION BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS.
- The Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit
Does doctrine not matter any more? Does what a person believe not matter any more? Are we to conclude that what a person believes about Jesus is unimportant or even irrelevant, that it has no bearing on the issue of salvation, so long as they have the name right?
- Another Jesus
When has false doctrine about the true Jesus ever revealed a proper and right image of Who the true Jesus is and what the True Jesus has done?
- Another Jesus
- Believing Has A Beginning
If you are a true believer in God's one and only Gospel then you automatically believe that no other gospel could be God's Gospel. Just like you believe there is no other god that can save but the true God, no other jesus Who can save but the true Jesus, the One God bears record to in His Gospel, so too, the true believer believes in no other gospel but God's Gospel. ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE JESUS, ONLY ONE GOSPEL.
- Believing Has A Beginning
Only some will receive God's Wrath and therefore only some will obtain salvation.
- Appointed To Wrath – Appointed To Salvation
Salvation is God's business, He has elected who will be saved and who will not, and those He has given to His Son can be none other than those whom He has chosen before the foundation of the world that salvation might be by grace and not by works: "According as HE HATH CHOSEN US in Him before the foundation of the world...HAVING PREDESTINATED US...according to the good pleasure of HIS WILL, to the praise of the glory of His GRACE, wherein HE HATH MADE US ACCEPTED in the Beloved" (Ephesians 1:4-6; see also Philippians 1:29).
- Appointed To Wrath – Appointed To Salvation
If the Gospel of God is lost when exactly did it go from being something revealed by God, known, received and trusted in by all His people, to something which is no longer identifiable as God's unique Gospel?
- “That’s Just your Opinion!”
The Gospel of God cannot be justly objected to for it is God's Gospel, it cannot be broken. The Gospel of God cannot be made null and void, it cannot disappear, for it is the uniquely eternal Gospel of God.
- “That’s Just Your Opinion!”
The purpose of all false teachings is to bring prominence to man and give glory to their author and instigator, Satan.
- “Thou Shalt Surely Die”
Those who believe that man is not spiritually dead have fallen victim to the Satanic lie that man would not surely die. In doing so, they ironically provide the principle evidence that they are indeed spiritually dead, for they do not believe the Truth.
- “Thou Shalt Surely Die”
To obey the Gospel is to believe the whole Gospel of God, not part of it, not most of it, but ALL of it.
- The House Of God
God saves through the instrumentality of His truth, and never by means of the ignorance of it. Thought by many to be grounds for mercy, ignorance—when it comes to the matter of salvation—is the evidence of lostness.
- The House Of God
Man’s heart is deceitful above all things, and so desperately wicked (see Jer. 17:9; Eccl. 9:3), that he is often the prime victim of his own natural propensity and susceptibility to deceive and be deceived.
- For God So Loved…WHO?
There is nothing which a spiritually dead man can do before God makes him alive. There is nothing a man can do whilst in a state of enmity against God. Hence the need for grace, hence the need for a Saviour.
- For God So Loved…WHO?
The principle of grace dispels any notion of the need for a man to do anything to gain, or retain salvation, for grace is all of God as salvation is all of God.
- Thou Shalt Surely Die
Man, by nature, is spiritually destitute! Consequently, far from being that which facilitates the salvation of a man, his every thought, every action and every gospel, is consistent with that which impedes his salvation by catering to man’s natural aversion to God’s Gospel of salvation by grace alone.
- The House Of God
God's justice has never been left wounded in the wake of His mercy.
- How Many Gospels?
Part of the process of learning the truth is to unlearn and evict the lies we have allowed to reside ‘rent free’ in our minds.
- For God So Loved...WHO
If salvation is by the grace and mercy of God, and grace is unmerited, and mercy is undeserved, how then can a man’s works play any part in his salvation?
“Salvation cannot be bought with the currency of obedience; it is purchased by the blood of the Son of God.”
Salvation by grace alone is the loudest, clearest, statement of all that man can do absolutely nothing to obtain it.
Who would ever even contemplate the possibility that a wrong answer could be true, except those who do not know what the truth is.
Nothing added to grace—which automatically and simultaneously takes away from grace—can produce salvation. And most importantly, nothing added to grace will ever sustain salvation. The saving grace of God disqualifies everything else as being a necessary element in the eternal salvation of a man.
Any gospel which takes away from grace by adding anything to grace, such as the works and vain efforts of man to ingratiate himself to God, is a gospel which has no power whatsoever to save anyone. God’s power to save is by grace alone.
Every gospel that allows room for a man’s works is not testifying to the grace of God in the salvation of His people, but is rebelling against it, and everyone who believes such a gospel is a willing, albeit ignorant, participant in that rebellion. To trust in a lie is rebellion against God (see Jer. 28:15,16).
A salvation which can only come after a man has done something first, is not salvation by grace.
Salvation is a reflection of God’s will, not man’s will. It comes because of what God wants, and not because any man has asked for it. Salvation is God acting upon His will and purpose, and rescuing His people by His grace and mercy (see Gal. 2:16 cf. Rom. 5:19; Gal. 3:11).
One’s whole faith, and complete trust, must be in Christ as total and complete Saviour for there to be explicit, and incontrovertible evidence that one is saved of God.
The fact that salvation is by grace shows conclusively that salvation could be by nothing else. Salvation comes by no other means but grace, and no other one, but God.
If salvation waits upon your act of obedience, then it is no longer of grace. It is no longer of God, but of you. Some would reply by saying this is merely a matter of semantics. In saying this such folk fail miserably to understand the very essence of Scripture which is that GOD IS THE SAVIOUR: HE SAVES US, AND NOT WE OURSELVES. Salvation does not come after anything we have done, but only after what God has done. Salvation is not by a work, it is by a SAVIOUR!
Grace is God saving His people based on what He has done, and not on what they have done.
God’s people are the saved, the rescued, and God alone is the Saviour, the Rescuer of His people. The very terms ‘saved’ and ‘rescued’ imply a person’s needing someone else to act—for they cannot—in order that they be freed from danger and placed into a place of safety.
Those who need to be saved, or rescued, are obviously not in a position to extricate themselves from the danger they are in.
A salvation by grace is not subservient to, or in any way controlled by, any act of man, but only to, and by, the will of God. God is free to be merciful to whomsoever He wills to be merciful toward, and so, by this we see that the mercy of God awaits only His will before it is applied and becomes operational.
Just as “Wisdom is too high for a fool…” (Prov. 24:7), so too, salvation is too high for the lost.
Simply because a tradition has existed over a long period of time is no evidence that it is even remotely aligned with truth, let alone the truth of God.
Illusion is present only when a false reality is entertained. Perception must always be challenged, or one runs the risk of becoming yet another statistic, another victim of self-deception or otherwise.
Popular thinking, tradition and that which is merely superficially obvious has become the rule, the norm, for most who reside on this planet.
Untested, unchallenged beliefs are unscathed by truth, for the truth is so often not recognized as truth, but as untruth, and is, therefore, not factored into the equation. Myopic tradition, both cultural and religious, often sees truth as a lie, and a lie as the truth.
The tradition of ignorance has become a veritable culture in itself. So much of society, its cultures and religions, is bound by tradition.
The limitations, and misconceptions that ignorance brings, along with the harmful consequences which the tyranny of ignorance commands, has never stopped man from, not only voicing his opinions, but in considering, or judging, those opinions as truth.
Ignorance has also spawned a sub-culture of not wanting to know, a wilful ignorance of certain facts which one consciously chooses to ignore.
Erroneous religious traditions are merely lies, many of which continue trending to this day. Rather than being a vehicle for upholding truth, various traditions and cultures often come at the expense of truth.
When you start with a mind to which the Gospel of God is hid, and which is blinded by the god of this world, coupled with a far from intimate relationship with the truth according to what God says it is, when you exist without Christ, without God and without hope in this world, and are dead in sins, it is little wonder that man, even religious man, is so very unfamiliar with the truth he so stubbornly claims is what he loves and adheres to.
Acclimatized to man’s erroneous views, and Satan’s lies, rather than God’s truth, the resultant familiarity of lost men has rubber stamped its approval on many a false interpretation of God’s Word wrongly labelling it as categorical truth.
From the church pew to Bible colleges, from the man on the street to the pastor in the pulpit, the “depths of the shallowness” of man’s understanding has given birth to many a tradition which has provided only an illusion of intimacy with truth, whilst obscuring the reality of natural man’s proclivity toward, and love affair with, untruth.
Man’s certitude, “his certainty and conviction that something is the case”, is compounded by his ignorance of what the genuine truth really is.
Man’s heart is deceitful above all things, and so desperately wicked (see Jer. 17:9; Eccl. 9:3), that he is often the prime victim of his own natural propensity and susceptibility to deceive and be deceived.
Man often believes what he wants to believe whilst convincing himself that he believes it only because he believes it to be true.
The subtlety of deception which is encased in every man’s wicked heart, often hides a man’s underlying motives, bias and prejudice toward that which he wants the truth to be, and against what he refuses to accept as truth.
The sad fact is that so often, and for a myriad of reasons, people will simply not listen to truth.
Man has usurped the rightful place of truth in this world with himself, placing himself beyond the reach of truth, and his idea of what is true above what the Lord has declared His truth to be.
One must be extremely careful in accepting something as truth merely because most believe it to be truth, or because one has frequently heard the alleged truth over many years, or because a certain person, or persons, says it is truth.
Simply because a thing is accepted as truth by the majority does not mean it is truth, and certainly should not exempt it from undergoing a thorough examination.
One needs to be constantly aware of the influences that pervade one’s life, and the reasons why one holds a certain belief to be true. Most people seldom challenge themselves, and are even less liable to be challenged by others, concerning what they believe, and the reason they believe it. In this increasingly politically, and religiously, correct world, few there be who dare risk offending anyone by questioning their beliefs, by asserting that what a person believes is wrong, or by telling them their faith is in a false god.
Most view those who do question other’s beliefs, who will tell them they are wrong, and that their faith is in a false god, as unloving, and not maximizing the ‘Christian spirit’.
Many believe they are right, but have no idea why, and no real defense, or substantive evidence, that can adequately support their claims.
Familiarity, often precludes a person from conducting an honest, thorough, examination of what it is they have associated with truth, and have over time become accustomed to. Thus, they are satisfied and content with the headlines, and seldom bother with the details.
People believe certain things about God’s truth simply because it’s what their social circle, or nepotistic church clique, believes, and so in order to fit in they simply go with the flow of what others believe, or seek out those that are like-minded, thereby, further strengthening their truthless traditions.
Truth is so often measured in these last days by how comfortable a person is with a particular teaching, coupled with a head-in-the-sand attitude toward everything they do not agree with.
One of the most critically important principles in Scripture, which all Arminians have failed to grasp, is the fact that the grace of God which Scripture speaks of is not an enabling grace, but is an enlivening grace, it is saving grace (see Eph. 2:8; Titus 2:11; Rom. 3:24-27).
There is simply no other means to salvation other than by the grace of God through the gift of faith (see Eph. 2:8,9). Grace requires no assistance from man, for it is by grace alone that a man is saved.