WHO ARE THE LOST? (part 3)
Repentance means a change of mind. Turning from one’s own thoughts and adopting those of God; from one’s own ideas of saved and lost to believing God’s Testimony of saved and lost. Those who have yet to repent yet say they believe the Gospel insist that, years before they even heard any of the doctrines which make up God’s Gospel and whilst believing in a false gospel, they were saved. As proof of their ‘salvation’ prior to hearing and believing the Gospel, they offer up subjective experiences. Subjective judgements vary widely and if one accepts one’s own subjective experiences then one must accept everyone else's subjective experiences. Salvation then becomes something which is judged by a man’s experience rather than the Word of God alone. They claim that on such and such a day they cried out to God for mercy or felt His Presence in some mystical way or had many tears of remorse over their sins. Instantly they felt delivered from demons, or from a desire to smoke another cigarette or have another drink of beer etc. From that moment on their lives took a dramatic turn, in that they no longer wanted to sin. They started going to church and saw their lives undergo dramatic moral reformations etc. They may even have received physical healing of some kind. It must be noted that these same experiences are held to, as some sort of proof that one is saved, by billions of people who follow false religions. Scripture asks, ‘how can one call out to God if one has not heard of that God?’ "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on HIM in Whom they have not believed? And HOW SHALL THEY BELIEVE ON HIM OF WHOM THEY HAVE NOT HEARD? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Rom. 10:13,14). To turn from one’s sins is a good thing, but when this leads a person to a false gospel wherein is no salvation, it just adds to the deceived and lost state he is in from birth. It makes him twice as much a child of hell (see Matt. 23:15). Plenty of people who are not in the least way religious, have made great changes to their lives. They go to therapists or counsellors, to A.A. or to Drug Rehabilitation Centres. Even some Rock stars have stopped their wild life styles and now say that drug free is the only way to be. Yet, not unlike those who believe in false gospels, none of these people are saved for they believe not in Christ and abide not in His Gospel. A Christless morality has never impressed God, nor has it ever helped anyone get to God. It is all about demanding acceptance with God, rather than expecting God’s acceptance based on Christ’s Righteousness alone. An acceptable Righteousness in the sight of God is what is necessary and man can never reach it or obtain it by his moral reformations and remorseful attitude.
Those who claim to have been saved before hearing and believing God’s Gospel, say that after they were ‘saved’ they ‘gradually came to a better understanding’ of things and eventually came to see and believe the Truth. This is like a person saying that he arrived at his destination before he got there! An apple is not produced from the seed of a pear. It does not begin it’s existence as a pear and then gradually become an apple. So, too, no one is born a Christian from corruptible seed (1 Pet. 1:23). A Christian is born only from the Seed of God which is His Gospel. No one is saved whilst in error. No one has become a new creature in Christ, whilst not believing that Christ, Who is revealed in the Gospel of God alone. No one is saved whilst abiding in false doctrine, for what would the ground of that person’s ‘salvation’ be? It most certainly could not be the Righteousness of Christ alone. Scripture says that nothing short of belief in God’s Gospel is the evidence that one is saved. Only at that time is the Righteousness of Christ imputed and the Wrath of God removed. No one can call themselves saved upon whom the Wrath of God remains. The Wrath of God is upon everyone who does not abide in the doctrine of Christ, for they have not God (see 2 Jn.9). Only those who believe and abide in God’s Gospel have received saving Righteousness, the Righteousness of Christ, and only those to whom there is now no condemnation can rightly consider themselves saved. How can one have received justifying faith when one was abiding in error and had faith in false doctrine which promoted a false christ? "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; BUT THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM" (Jn.3:36). "Its impossible for any sinner to have entered into God’s rest while believing a system of doctrine that dishonors every attribute of God’s Character by believing salvation conditioned on the sinner and not on Christ." A person does not come to the Father by a moral reformation. Christ said HE is THE Way to the Father (Jn.14:6). In fact, a moral and religious life without the True Christ and His Doctrine, is reprehensible and abomination to God when it is aimed at gaining or maintaining salvation, for it all falls into the category of a man daring to establish a righteousness of his own before a Holy God and rejecting the teaching that Christ’s Righteousness alone is sufficient to present a man spotless and blameless before a Holy God. "And, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled in the body of His flesh THROUGH DEATH, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight" (Col.1:20-22; see also Heb.9:15). This passage of Scripture shows clearly that it is God who reconciles a man to Himself and He does it so that a man can be presented to God without sin in His sight through the death of His Son and not through the ‘good deeds’ of any.
Every doctrine which makes up the Gospel of God must be believed in before one can truly say he believes God’s Testimony concerning saved and lost. Even if only one of these Gospel doctrines is denied, one would then be holding to a gospel mixed with God’s Testimony and man’s opinion, which quickly becomes tradition which in turn nullifies God’s Word on the matter. If one of these doctrines is denied then all must be denied, for they stand or fall together. If salvation is by grace then it is not by works, so, too, if one does not hold to ALL the doctrines which make up the Gospel one does not have THE Gospel but a mixture of God’s Word and man’s notions. Grace is not grace if it is mixed with works and the Gospel is not THE Gospel if it is mixed with man’s doctrine (see Matt. 15:9). When a person denies one Gospel doctrine they are, unbeknown to them, replacing it with the teachings of men. When God’s Word is rejected and replaced with the teachings of men, that my friends, is what is called ANOTHER gospel which is no Gospel at all, for it does not present God’s Message and therefore cannot save. Paul showed in his writings that even preaching the true Gospel, but then adding something as miniscule as circumcision, would change the whole Gospel into another, for it would not be a message of Grace and Christ would not profit the man who added circumcision or any other work to the Gospel (Gal. 5:2-6,9). The reason for this is that man would be trusting in Christ and something of his own doing and not in the Righteousness of Christ alone, which is what the Gospel teaches. The Good News (Gospel) is ONE Message Authored by God and given to man. It is not subject to interpretation or a man’s preference of what he believes the Gospel is. A child of God does not pick and choose what he will believe but he believes what God has said, in its entirety. A person cannot hold to some of the doctrine of Christ and deny, or be ignorant of, other Gospel teachings and rightly call themselves Christian. An elect person is called by the Gospel, the whole Gospel, unto eternal life and abides in all its doctrines to the end (see 2 Thess.2:14). The apostle Paul stated that "...I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ" (Rom.15:19). If the Gospel is to be fully preached, then it must also be FULLY believed. The true believer fully believes the whole Gospel Message and not part of it. It is what a person adds to the Gospel or what they take away from the Gospel that makes what a person believes a false gospel. A false gospel is one which either adds to what God has said or one which takes away from what God has said. It misrepresents Who God is and what God has done. It is either God’s message which you believe or it is not. To believe the Gospel is to know and cherish the doctrines which make up the Gospel Message. God has defined the Gospel clearly in the Bible and all who believe it show they are among the chosen of God.
In light of this, it becomes clear that a man is yet to believe God’s Gospel, that he is LOST, if he does not believe that man is dead in sin and cannot come to God in and of himself. The reason for this is, if one believes that man can come to God in and of himself, or that man can recommend himself to God by his religious efforts and charitableness to others etc., then Christ died in vain and, contrary to Scripture, salvation is attainable by a man’s works. Such teaching is opposed to salvation by grace alone and promotes the lie that salvation is conditioned on the sinner. It must be remembered that God justifies the UNGODLY (see Rom.4:5). If man is to meet certain conditions before he is justified, would this not mean that God justifies the ‘partially-godly?’ If one has to meet certain conditions in order to get saved, one cannot be referred to as ungodly before being justified by God. Paul said: "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain" (Gal.2:21). If man can do anything to come to God or contribute in any way, to any degree, to his salvation or to his staying saved, then Christ has died in vain. This teaching alone shows that all of salvation is of Christ, for it is conditioned on Christ. The salvation of man required the blood of a perfect Sacrifice, not the imperfect obedience of man. One cannot give the Pre-eminence to Christ Jesus the Lord if one believes that man can get saved, or must contribute anything to maintaining his salvation by his own efforts, and not solely by the life and death of Christ. There is only ONE Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ is the One that saves His people from their sins. None contribute to their salvation. They are not co-saviors with THE Savior. If one does not believe that man is dead because of the Fall in the Garden of Eden, then he calls God a liar for God promised in Genesis 3 that if man ate of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, HE WOULD SURELY DIE! Those who believe man did not surely die are the Devil’s own children, for Satan is the author of this lie. Satan stated that man would not surely die but that he would become as a god, that man would have a free will to choose what he wanted. All who say that man is not dead in sin agree with their father the Devil when he said to Eve that she would not surely die, for they say we are not surely dead. ‘Do what you want to do, be what you want to be’ is the Devil’s catch cry. But Christ said unto His Father "...not My will, but Thine, be done" (Lk.22:42).
A man is LOST if he does not believe that God chose a people unto salvation, not based on their works or foreseen goodness, but according to His mercy and grace, before the foundation of the world; that God by His own Free will chose a definite number of people who would spend eternity with Him and receive of His abundant and never ending blessings. Election is an election of grace and not according to works (see Rom.11:5). If one denies that God has chosen the people who would receive His grace, then one is saying that God provides salvation according to what a man does. This is salvation by works, which the Bible plainly states is NOT how the Sovereign God saves (Eph.2:8,9). Salvation is not according to a man’s will but solely of God’s will (see Jn.1:13 & 1 Cor.1:30). Yes, a man must believe the Gospel but he cannot believe it, or even desire to, if he is not given the Faith to believe by God Himself. Man’s believing is merely a fruit of God’s giving. Faith, therefore, is not a condition but an evidence of salvation. If it was a condition it would be a work. The following Scripture shows clearly that faith is not a work: "But to him that WORKETH NOT, BUT BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness" (Rom.4:5). Faith and works, grace and works, the Gospel and works, are diametrically and eternally opposed. Faith is a gift from God, not a work of man’s. Most have faith in their faith. It is their faith which they consider makes the difference between saved and lost, between Heaven and Hell, and not Christ alone. This ‘faith’ leaves room for a man to boast. Faith in God’s Gospel gives all the glory to God and proclaims loudly that it is HE Who makes a saved man to differ from another: "For who maketh thee to differ from another? And what hast thou that thou didst not receive? Now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?" (1 Cor.4:7). The apostle John states: "...A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven" (Jn.3:27). Faith in the true Christ and His Gospel is a Gift from God which no man can merit or earn. If a man believes in the True God, it is because God has made that man a believer and given him the gift of Faith to believe His Gospel. FAITH IS NOT A WORK OF MAN’S , IT IS A GIFT OF GOD. Man can only receive a gift, he does not earn it. A gift is not a wage and a wage is not a gift, and never the twain shall meet. Saving Faith does not originate within man but he receives it as a Gift from His Loving Father. This is the Faith—the ONLY Faith—that can and does savingly believe God’s one and only Gospel, and that eternally, for it is of God and He gives it to all His elect. Jesus said: "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; (makes alive) the flesh profiteth nothing...therefore said I unto you, that no man CAN come unto Me, except it were GIVEN unto him of My Father" (Jn.6:63,65). Coming to God in the acceptable way is a result of His grace upon the sinner and not the outcome of a man’s efforts. Coming to God according to man’s ways and thoughts and with a faith which does not believe in the Gospel of Christ, leads only to death (see Num.3:4). Election is not based on any act of obedience which a man performs, for again, if this were the case, salvation would not be by grace and Christ has died in vain. If election was conditioned on a man’s believing, then it would not be by grace but by works, and man’s believing would be a work of his and not a gift from God to the man. The principal evidence of a man’s election is his belief in God’s Gospel and that his belief, or faith, is not a work of his own but is a gift from God. It is something which has been given to him and not produced by him.
If a man believes that salvation is not exclusively for those whom God has chosen, but can be obtained by a man’s free will decision, then he is saying that Christ’s death was not something which accomplished anything in and of itself but it’s efficaciousness is conditioned on man’s free will to accept what Christ has done. Those who deny definite atonement and promote universal atonement are saying that it is not Christ Who makes the difference between heaven and hell, for hell is full of those for whom He died, but that a man’s decision for Christ is what makes the difference, seeing that Christ, according to them, died equally for all. The false teaching of man’s free-will is always coupled with the lie that Christ died for all and that final redemption from sin, and atonement for sin, hinges on a man’s free will choice to receive and accept what Christ has done. Like all false teachings that take away from the Gospel Message, the lie that Christ died for all and that man has a free will, attacks the biblical teaching that the blood of Christ has effectually atoned for the sins of all for whom it was shed. The teaching of Universal atonement is if man does not accept Christ’s offer, then not only was Christ punished (in vain) for that person’s sins, but that person also must suffer the punishment his sins deserve. God would then be an unjust Judge, requiring the sentence of eternal punishment both from Christ and the sinner. This is unheard of in the pages of Holy Scripture. It is a concept which is completely foreign to both the Old and New Testaments. Christ’s Sacrifice of Himself was not made to man but was offered to God: "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself FOR us an offering and a sacrifice TO God for a sweetsmelling savor" (Eph.5:2). The effectiveness of Christ’s Offering was not dependant on a man’s reception of what was done, but by God’s accepting it. The whole of Atonement, Propitiation, Satisfaction, Redemption, Substitution and Representation is done away with, and must be reinterpreted according to man’s perverted views, if one can at any given moment choose God according to his own free will. Atonement for sin may be properly studied by examining the Old Testament, for therein lies the core teaching of the Substitutionary Sacrifice made on the behalf of another, which was offered up by the high priest under the direction of God. This, and other Old Testament types, were all a shadow of the True Atonement that was to come in the Person and Work of Jesus the Promised Messiah. In the Old Testament the high priest made sacrifice on the behalf of, and for the sins of, the physical nation of Israel, who were at that time the people, the chosen people I might add, of God. So, too, in the New Testament, the Great High Priest, Jesus the Son of God, has laid down the Sacrifice of His very Life, for the blood of animals could never take away sins (Heb.10:4), for the sins of all the elect children of God who make up the spiritual nation of Israel, God’s election of grace (Rom.11:5). While offering the sacrifice for Israel, the high priest had on a robe upon which were the names of the twelve tribes of Israel (Ex.28:1-12). These were the ones atonement was to be made for. So, too, the Lord Jesus Who is the Great High Priest, and of whom the Old Testament high priest was a type, had the names of all for whom He was to offer sacrifice on the behalf of, written on His heart and etched in His Mind. Whenever a sacrifice was made on the behalf of another in the Old Testament, atonement was achieved and redemption was obtained. One very important thing to realise is that such sacrifices were always shed for the people of God and not for the whole world. God’s choosing those whom He would bless based on grace, is proof positive that man is dead in sin and cannot come to God by works or will. Sacrifice was not made for the Amelekites or the Hittites nor was it made for the Egyptians or the Syrians or for any other nation on earth. God had not dealt with any other nation as He had with Israel: "He sheweth His Word unto Jacob, His statutes and His judgements unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for His judgements, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord" (Psa.147:19,20). When the blood was shed, the work was finished (see Jn.19:30). Some might argue, ‘Yes, well that was the way it was done in the Old Testament but we live in New Testament times’. My friend, everything that happened in the Old Testament concerning the high priest, sacrifice and atonement for sin was merely shadows or types which pointed to the true High Priest, Atonement and Sacrifice which God had promised for His people. The Old Testament atonement and sacrifice etc., was definite and for a specific number of people because God had decreed it so (Lev.16:34). Where there is blood shed, according to the Word of God, in atoning sacrifice, there IS redemption and remission of sins, for this was the means ordered by God that would result in the eradication and forgiveness of sins. Therefore, where there is atoning death there is redemption; where there is atoning blood shed in sacrifice there is remission of sins (Lev.17:1). An atoning death did not ever depend on a person’s decision to accept its effects. The very fact that blood was shed for the sins of a person ensured that they would receive, and rejoice in, what had been done for them. It was something performed on the behalf of, and for the benefit of, those whom God had chosen to be its recipients. So we see that the benefit of Atonement is not dependant on the sinner’s accepting it, but on the Sovereign God’s election of those for whom it was performed. Therefore, the many for whom Christ shed His precious blood shall ALL be justified (Isa.53:11; see also Jn. 6:37). (For further study see the author’s book ‘Atonement For Whom?’). A man is also LOST if he denies the irresistible grace of God. Even if a man says he believes in all the other doctrines of the Gospel, he is lost if he believes that any to whom the grace of God has been bestowed, and for whom Christ died, can nevertheless resist the Holy Spirit and go on to damnation.
All who say that a man may at one point in time be saved, and yet later return to an unregenerate state, are also LOST for they show that they do not know Christ Who gives eternal life to His people and do not know, and therefore cannot savingly believe in, what Christ has done. This teaching also does away with the efficaciousness of Christ’s death to wash away every sin, including that of unbelief, for all time, of those for whom He died. Saying that a man can do something to lose his salvation is as evil as saying that a man can do something to gain or maintain his salvation for both teachings deny that all of salvation is conditioned on Christ. Acceptance of such lies comes from believing in false gospels, which are readily received by man’s deceptive heart. They also deny that Redemption has been obtained on the behalf of God’s chosen, and is opposed to Christ’s statement that none of them shall ever perish for He has obtained eternal redemption for them and given them eternal life (Heb.9:12 & Jn.10:28). The Bible says that God searches for His sheep and searches until He finds them (Ezek.34:11,12; see also Lk.15:4,5). ALL FOR WHOM CHRIST DIED WILL BELIEVE AND BE ETERNALLY SAVED. This is the glorious matchless message of the eternal Gospel, the Good News which God has for His chosen ones, all who will believe on Him.
Scripture says that the non-elect, both Jew and Gentile, will count this message as foolishness and it will be a stumbling block to them. God’s Word says that the preaching of the Cross (Christ’s atoning death for His people) is foolishness to them that perish: "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor.1:18). What is meant here by the preaching of the cross is obviously not merely the fact that Christ died on a cross, for most lost religionists believe this. It speaks of what Christ did by His death on that cross. This verse shows clearly that those, who though believing Christ died on a cross for sins, are yet in a lost state for they do not believe what Christ has actually accomplished by His death and that His death was not for every individual ever born but exclusively for the elect of God, all whom He had given Him (see Jn. 6:37), which is revealed in the true preaching of the Cross, which is the core element of true Gospel preaching. Paul said: "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified" (1 Cor.2:2). Preaching Christ and Him crucified is what the preaching of the Cross, or Gospel, is all about: It is Christ the Person and what Christ has done through His atoning death. 1 Corinthians 1:17 shows clearly that Paul considered the preaching of the Gospel to be the preaching of the cross. Significantly, both the Gospel and the preaching of the cross are described in Scripture as THE POWER OF GOD (see Rom.1:16). If one is to rightly preach the Gospel, one must rightly know and believe what the True Jesus has done and for whom He has done it.
Those who say that salvation is of God, but that once saved, a man must do his part in maintaining his saved condition, are also LOST for they deny the Pre-eminence of Christ and His Righteousness as being wholly sufficient to save a man and keep him saved unto the end. They promote grace and works, which is another gospel. Listen to how the apostle Peter speaks: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance INCORRUPTIBLE, and UNDEFILED, and that FADETH NOT AWAY, RESERVED in heaven for you, who are KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Pet.1:3-5). How arrogantly presumptuous of any man to think that he has been saved by the grace of God and yet is able to keep himself in a saved state by his works. Such a person is under a strong delusion if they say they believe in salvation by grace alone. The saved person is "...justified by His grace..." (Titus 3:7) and not by his own works (see Titus 3:5). The man who believes he must do certain works in order to maintain his salvation does not believe in grace but in works. For he cannot be convinced that all of salvation is conditioned on Christ and that what Christ has done is sufficient to ensure a man’s eternal destiny, but that his eternal future depends on his own efforts at obedience. ‘Thank you God for saving me and now, with your help, I will perform good deeds to ensure I stay saved’. How utterly bizarre! Man’s obedience, when aimed at gaining or maintaining salvation, is the worst kind of DIS-obedience for it denies that Righteousness comes by the obedience of One: Christ Jesus the Lord (see Rom.5:19). The apostle Paul asked, "Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" (Gal.3:3). If you have been, or are being, taught such a lie you must realise that you are being deceived and that there is no salvation in such a ‘gospel’. You have been presented a false gospel. You have been wrongly taught Who Christ is and what Christ has done and what salvation means and how it is received. The word ‘saved’ in Scripture means ‘preserved’. Listen to how Scripture speaks: The true believer is said to be "...sanctified by God the Father, and PRESERVED (to guard from loss or injury) in Jesus Christ, and called" (Jude 1). The psalmist says of the Lord’s saints: "...the Lord loveth judgement, and forsaketh (relinquishes) not His saints; they are PRESERVED FOREVER..." (Psa.37:28). Salvation from beginning to final glory is ALL conditioned on the Sovereign God and His Christ. Man’s obedience is an essential fruit of salvation but it is not the ground of salvation. The initial obedience a man demonstrates whereby it is evidenced that he is saved, is that obedience to the Gospel of Christ which teaches salvation conditioned on Christ and not on a man’s works. "For he that is entered into His Rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His" (Heb.4:10; see also Matt.11:28-30). Man must have accompanying works along with his faith but man’s salvation is in no part conditioned on those works, for they form no part of the ground of salvation which is the Righteousness of Christ alone. A saved man’s works are simply the fruit of salvation. The true believer confesses in accord with Scripture that: "...in the LORD have I Righteousness..." (Isa.45:24). A truly saved man does not look to any of his own deeds to assure him of salvation but solely to Christ and what He has done for him and imputed to him (see Heb. 12:2). No man is saved by a personal righteousness but by an imputed righteousness, the Righteousness of Christ. Man requires a righteousness far and above that which he can produce on his best day. He needs a righteousness in which God Himself cannot find a flaw. That Righteousness is Christ’s Righteousness imputed to the sinner. This is why the publican of Luke 18, and even Paul the apostle, pleaded no righteousness of their own but rather fled from it. Paul testified that he wanted to "...be found in Him NOT having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, BUT THAT WHICH IS THROUGH THE FAITH OF CHRIST, the Righteousness which is of God by faith" (Phil.3:9). Paul spoke of born again Christians as the true Circumcision "...which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have NO CONFIDENCE in the flesh" (Phil.3:3). An elect child of God will always be in right standing with God, not because of themselves or based on anything they do, but on who they are in Christ Jesus the Lord Who died for their sins and established a Perfect Righteousness for them which they could never produce, so that they could enter into eternal life and be with Him forever (see Heb.10:19,20). Therefore, "Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth" (Rom.8:33). God does not condemn any whom He has eternally justified, for their sins have been washed away in the Blood of Christ. He will not charge them with their sins (Rom. 4:8), for He has charged them unto Christ and imputed Christ’s Perfect Obedience unto them (2 Cor. 5:21). The Scripture tells us that after we believed "...ye were sealed (preserved) with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest (pledge) of our inheritance UNTIL THE REDEMPTION of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory" (Eph.1:13,14). To be sealed with the Holy Spirit is to be indelibly stamped with God’s mark of ownership. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as our Pledge, which means that the Holy Spirit is God’s ‘down-payment’ for a sign that the purchased possession will be fully redeemed at a later time.
John the apostle said: "We know that we HAVE PASSED from death unto life..." (1 Jn.3:14). Christ says: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, and shall NOT come into condemnation; but IS PASSED from death unto life" (Jn.5:24). Obviously then, one who has passed from death into eternal life is not, and never will be, condemned. The word ‘passed’ in John 5:24 and in 1 John 3:14 is the same word which means ‘depart, remove’, and ‘to change place’. If the blood of Christ has washed away every sin of all of God’s elect and caused the believer to change places from death to life, what sin could possibly ever bring us back into the place of condemnation, seeing EVERY sin has been atoned for? How could someone who has been made a new creature in Christ and eternally alive unto God ever commit the sin of unbelief? Biblical salvation is not a one-off event performed by God, which must then be maintained by man’s performing good works and abstaining from evil works. If this were the case then how could we ever know if we were being sufficiently obedient and abstaining from enough sins? What would be our standard and where is the Scriptural proof for it? Salvation is an eternal decree by a Loving Father upon His children, and is ALL conditioned on Christ for God knows that no man could ever meet any condition of salvation. That is why salvation could never be of works, either for the purposes of attaining or maintaining it, but solely by GRACE. The called of God are a special people, God’s own people, who will never experience the Wrath of God, for the Lord Jesus received that Wrath on their behalf and as their Representative by imputation, when He laid down His life for them: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, BEING MADE A CURSE FOR US..." (Gal.3:13; see also 2 Cor.5:21). Christ did something on that cross that no sinner could ever could do: He bore (carried away) our sins (see Isa.53). "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us and contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross" (Col.2:14). "For God hath not appointed US to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for US..." (1 Thess.5:9,10). The elect have an appointment, which cannot be cancelled, with salvation, made by God Himself! GOD HAS DECREED IT AND NONE CAN CHANGE IT. "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before Him" (Eccl.3:14; see also Eccl.7:13).
If one is saved then one is saved forever. There is nothing temporary about EVERLASTING life. Salvation is the ETERNAL preservation of a justified sinner, by the Power of God (see 1 Pet.1:5). There is nothing transitory or provisional about it. Not only has Christ done all to save those whom God has given Him, but all that Christ has done is more than enough to secure a man’s eternal salvation. That is the vital point which so many professing ‘christians’ have missed out on, which is further evidence of their being taught a false gospel. If one is saved by Christ and COMPLETE in Christ then it stands to biblical reason, and is in accord with biblical language, that he is saved eternally and forever in Christ. Otherwise salvation is conditioned on man and becomes a partnership between Jesus Christ and man, a mixture of grace and works which leaves room for a man to boast. God says "I am the Lord: that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images" (Isa.42:8). Paul said: "...God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ..." (Gal.6:14). Man looking to his works and thinking that any part of salvation relies upon his obedience, is just as much an idolater as those who bow the knee to dumb idols. Anything that keeps a man from looking only unto Christ for ALL of salvation is idolatry. False gospels teach that Christ gets the man saved and then man does his part in order to stay in this saved state. This is nothing but blasphemy and a denial of both the Person and Work of Christ. As further proof of this, we must ask ourselves the question, ‘saved from what?’ God’s Word teaches that a man is saved from the punishment due unto his sins, if his sins have been imputed to Christ. Christ has paid the price in full for all the sins of all the elect, so what punishment remains? What punishment remains for those from whom the Wrath of God has been eternally removed by the Blood and Righteousness of Christ? What could man ever offer to God in order to remove His Wrath, which has not already been done away with by Christ’s Offering? "Now where remission of these (sins) IS, there is no more offering for sin" (Heb.10:18). How many sins remain which Christ has not fully atoned for? NONE AT ALL!! Another question which must be asked is, ‘How long does this salvation last? For a few days or a few weeks or a few years?’ NO! For all eternity, for Christ has paid in full the price that God’s inflexible justice demanded as payment for our sins: "For by one offering He hath PERFECTED FOREVER them that are sanctified" (Heb.10:14). From this we also see that Christ does the perfecting, leaving nothing for man to contribute to his saved state. That is why "There is therefore NOW NO condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (Rom.8:1). It is important to note that Paul made this statement immediately after his great discourse on justification by faith alone. Man can do no good (see Eccl.7:20), the Bible says, so how could he ever do such a monumental work as gain or even maintain his salvation? If one does away with any part of what Christ has achieved, then one does away with Him and is left with a counterfeit who cannot profit any man. Many boldly proclaim that salvation is by Faith alone through Christ alone and believe they show double allegiance to these truths by often stating them in Latin, yet in the same breath they declare that if man does not do his part he will lose his salvation! Allow me to ask at this point: which sin is it that can lose a man his salvation? What sin can undo what Christ has done? And why was it not done away with on Christ’s cross? And how, pray tell, can a man know that his obedience is at a level which is sufficient to maintain his saved state? Those who believe in these lies know NOTHING of Who Christ is and what HE has done: "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, KNOWING NOTHING..." (1 Tim. 6:3,4). "To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is NO LIGHT in them" (Isa.8:20). Ignorance of the Gospel shows that they have yet to know God and His Son, Who has met every condition for all of salvation which God has set for the salvation of men. They have yet to learn and believe in the salvation which is from God that is not conditioned on the works or efforts of man, but solely on what Christ has done on the behalf of the elect. Which gospel do you think gives all the glory to Christ: the one which teaches that ALL of salvation from beginning to final glory is conditioned on Him or the one which teaches that salvation is conditioned, even in the slightest degree, on man? Even an atheist could provide the correct answer. Those who believe that a man can lose his salvation are neither known of Him or believe what He has done to ensure that all of God’s chosen, whom the Father gave to the Son, would be eternally saved. Worse still, they deny the Person and Work of Christ on the behalf of the sinner. They cannot be trusting in the True Christ for they are constantly looking to themselves and their level of obedience for assurance of salvation. This is the bondage to sin which every man is in by nature. Christ came to make the sinner free from such bondage, in which man can never find true relief.
A man is LOST if he believes that he was saved before ever hearing and believing ALL the doctrines of the Gospel of God. A person was never saved simply because he claimed to believed in election. A person was never saved if he professed belief only in election and that man is dead in sin, yet denying the other doctrines of Christ’s Gospel. The Bible says one must believe in the Gospel, that is, in every single doctrine which makes up the Gospel, before he can rightly say he believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Believing in part of the message is not enough. One must believe it all for it is God’s testimony concerning His Son and how a man is saved. The simplicity in the logic of this is outstanding. If a person denies one doctrine he denies all the doctrines, for they are all inextricably connected and they stand together or not at all. Many believe, and sincerely so, that they were saved years before they came to what they call a ‘better understanding’ of what Christ has done. They base their salvation on a subjective experience or because they cried out to God, or any of the thousands of other man-made, subjective and mystical standards by which man judges himself saved. By saying this, they show that they have yet to understand the Gospel message for Scripture says that no one is saved before hearing and believing the Gospel. Which god did they cry out to? They knew little to nothing of God and precious little, and in most cases, nothing about the Person and Work of Christ: Who He is and what He has done. So how could they have rightly called on the True God and savingly believed on Him? The Bible asks how can they call on Him in Whom they have not believed, and how can a man believe in Him of Whom he has not even heard? (see Rom.10:14). They believe a lie, who say that salvation can come before or without the Gospel. God says that Faith, Justifying Faith, "...cometh by HEARING, and hearing by the Word of God" (Rom.10:17). That Word of God is His Gospel. Moreover, if one says that they were saved prior to hearing and believing all the doctrine of Christ, they cannot believe that the ground of their salvation is the Righteousness of Christ alone, for that Righteousness is only revealed in God’s Gospel!! Let no man claim to attribute his ‘salvation’ to the Righteousness of Christ whilst denying any of the other doctrines of the Gospel. For a denial of any other Gospel doctrine such as election, total inability or Christ’s definite atonement for the elect of God, is to condition salvation in some part on man, thus nullifying salvation by the Righteousness of Christ alone. A gospel which conditions any part of salvation on man always credits a part of that salvation to man. Scripture always equates ignorance with darkness and lostness. Never is a saved man shown to be ignorant of the Gospel or in the dark concerning any part of it, but always to the contrary. Belief of the Gospel is evidence that the Light of the Glorious Gospel has come to shine upon the believer. Ignorance of the Gospel is a sign that the Gospel Light has not yet come, and is an evidence of lostness. Believing and understanding is what Scripture talks a lot about. Christ states that if a man does not believe (to entrust one’s spiritual well-being to Christ) in the Gospel, he is in a damned state (Mk.16:16). If a man does not believe in the true Christ: Who HE is and what HE has done, he shows that he is currently in a lost state (see the book ‘God’s Only Jesus’).
Knowledge and understanding of who Christ is and what Christ has done, which is the core element of the Gospel message, is not and never has been, the condition for salvation. Some accuse us of being promoters of what they call ‘doctrinal regeneration’. They say we condition salvation upon knowledge of certain doctrines. But how can this be when the knowledge we speak of which comes by hearing the Gospel, and which we have stated quite clearly is not the condition for salvation but the evidence of it, is the glorious knowledge that all of salvation is NOT conditioned on the sinner but solely on Christ! We teach Faith in Christ and not faith in our faith or knowledge. Knowledge is vitally important and absolutely necessary to the true worship of the True God. In order to truly worship the true God, one must have a zeal of God which is according to knowledge. Zeal according to ignorance of the knowledge of Christ, and which does not rejoice in the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, can only lead to a false god and a false christ. Again, knowledge of Christ’s doctrine is the evidence of salvation, that a man has truly been made alive to God, has heard and believes from the heart His Holy Gospel which conditions all of salvation on Christ, and has repented of every false gospel and of ever thinking that he was saved whilst believing in a false gospel. Doesn’t it stand to reason, that anything a man believed in before hearing and believing God’s Gospel, was a false gospel? For how can a man know God by believing in a false gospel? The called of God are said to be separated unto His Gospel, which concerns Jesus Christ (see Rom.1:1-3), and sanctified by His Truth (Jn.17:17). The Gospel is about Christ. It is not about what man has to do to ‘get saved’ but what Christ has done TO SAVE! The Gospel is where a man learns of Christ, of what He has done to save God’s elect. Every true believer has been separated unto the Gospel, and a time has been appointed for him to hear it and believe it (see Acts 13:48). How then could a man possibly consider himself to have been in a saved state whilst believing in a false gospel? How can a man truly worship and trust in the True God, if it is not according to knowledge of His Gospel? (see Rom.10:1,2). Knowledge and understanding of the doctrine of Christ are certainly essentials to salvation but salvation is not conditioned on these things, for if it were, then salvation would be by the efforts of man to rightly understand and believe them, and not on God’s grace alone by which they are revealed. To know and understand the things of God, one must be born from above, born of God. One must be translated out of the Devil’s kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of Light of God’s dear Son (Col.1:13). To believe the Gospel and to abide in the doctrine of Christ is what every elect child of God does, for he is born of God. He is made alive by God to that Gospel, which is revealed by the grace of God to all His elect (see Matt.13:11; Col.1:26).
It is impossible for a man in his natural state to come to terms with the Scriptural truth that even the most moral person they can think of, such as a Mother Teresa, or a Nobel prize winner or even the little old lady next door who always helps out with some baby-sitting and is a volunteer helper down at the local second hand clothing store and loves the Queen Mother, is lost and bound for hell. The reason for this is because they have no understanding of God and how Holy He is, and their reaching such conclusions is based purely on human judgement made according to the appearance. How do you think multitudes have accepted so many false ministers? Because they come with ‘good words’ and ‘fair speeches’, advocating morality and obedience to God and saying ‘Christ is Lord’ (see Rom. 16:17,18). God is so Holy that no matter how many good deeds we may store up here on earth and how convinced we may be that they will gain us favor with God, they are all counted as filthy rags for none of them are perfect and all are performed by filthy vile sinners: "Behold, He putteth no trust in His saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in His sight. How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water?" (Job 15:15,16); "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags..." (Isa.64:6). Notice that the writer does not say our immorality or suchlike, is as filthy rags, for even the world knows this, but that our very righteousnesses, the ‘good’ that we do, the best that we do, are as filthy rags to a Holy God. A bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit (Matt. 7:17,18). A tree may have many leaves, but this is not a sure sign that it has any fruit (see Mk.11:13). A man is what he is, and until the Ethiopian can change his skin and the leopard his spots, he can do nothing to change the fact that he is a sinner, and everything he does is saturated in sin. A man should do good in his life. A man should help others etc., but a man should never think for one moment that anything he does or can do, or anything he abstains from, or proudly states he has never done, could ever recommend him to a Holy God. This is self-righteousness and religious pride, which does away with Christ’s Righteousness as the only ground of salvation. Salvation comes, not by the obedience of individuals, but by the obedience of ONE: "For as by one man’s (Adam) disobedience many were made sinners, so by the OBEDIENCE OF ONE (Christ Jesus) shall many be made Righteous" (Rom.5:19). The natural way a man thinks and that which is the sin that deceives us all by nature is: to think that we can do, or must do, our part in gaining or maintaining salvation, that is, anything that will please God and recommend ourselves to Him, that anything we can do can find favor with God and gain His approval and remove His Wrath. "There is none righteous, God has stated, no not one" (Rom. 3:10), "...there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not" (Eccl.7:20). None, according to their best efforts at religion and morality, can make themselves right with God or find favor with Him. Why? Because no man can obey God’s Law perfectly and no man can possibly even begin to make amends for past sins and satisfy God’s Justice, which demands eternal punishment for all who are breakers of God’s Holy Law. Hence the clear Testimony of God that: "...by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified" (Gal.2:16). The Bible constantly shows that man can do nothing to ‘get saved’. This is why Christ had to come to this earth if any were to be saved. For He was the only One who could ever obey God’s Law perfectly and the only One Who would ever be able to fully satisfy the inflexible demands of God’s Justice. The very fact that man needed a Savior shows that man could do nothing to save himself. The phrase ‘by grace are ye saved’ shows that God has done all that was necessary for salvation, including providing a Savior Who would meet all its conditions. Christ is not referred to in Scripture as the One who would help a man get saved, but He is called the Savior: the One Who WOULD SAVE His people from their sins, by what He did ALONE. His name, JESUS, is inextricably connected to what He would do (Matt.1:21). The ‘savior’ that is promoted in most churches today, and who is promoted in many guises in every false religion, is one who has come to merely help man out. To give him a helping hand up and to guide a man into doing what is necessary to get saved or stay saved. The True Savior is the One who came to earth to actually SAVE His people from their sins. To do ALL that was necessary to obtain salvation. That means He came to save ALL His people from all their SINS. He does the saving, He does the preserving. Christ has done it all! A truly saved man is not a contributor to his salvation, nor considers himself to be, but is a receiver of all that Christ has done to attain salvation on his behalf. Just as a vessel does not in any way contribute to producing its contents, so, too, a truly saved sinner, as a vessel of mercy, does not in any way contribute to producing that mercy but is merely a recipient of it (see Rom. 9:21-24).
There are many things over which true Christians differ. Many issues about which they have varying opinions. But none of these things are salvation issues. Every Christian believes the same Gospel, God’s Gospel, for they were all born of that Gospel, and that none were saved or truly trusted in Christ BEFORE they heard that great Gospel, for therein is Christ truly revealed. The True Christ is not found in false gospels. Neither is He found within the confines of false religious organizations which promote false gospels. He is not taught by false preachers who, whilst they may expound many truths, remain ignorant of THE Truth. The child of God pays no heed to the voice of strangers, but solely to the Voice of the Good Shepherd: "...the sheep follow Him: for they know His voice. And a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers" (Jn. 10:4,5). The True Christ is revealed in the Gospel of God and in no other. He is not found in the Mormon gospel, the J.W. gospel, the Hindu message or the Buddhist message. Christ is not taught, or to be found, in the Charismatic gospel or the Pentecostal gospel or the Faith movement gospel. The True Messiah and Savior of all His people is not to be found in any Arminian gospel or in any ‘tolerant Calvinists’ gospel, no matter who preaches it or endorses it. God’s Gospel is not found in the Roman Catholic Church or preached by the Quakers or the Shakers, Christian Science or Scientology. It is not heard in the Muslim message or the message of any who come with a great reputation or even a halo about their heads, who know not God and His Christ. There is no saving truth in any false gospel no matter who preaches it, endorses it or promotes it, and speaks peace to and considers saved, those who believe in a false gospel. No matter how much truth about the True Christ is attributed to the many false christs which abound in our day, it is still a false christ which is being preached if the whole Gospel message about Who Christ is and what Christ has done is not preached, for therein is the only place Christ Jesus the Lord and Savior of HIS people, may be found. The Truth of God’s Gospel is where the Holy Spirit will guide a man. As Righteousness may be found only in Christ, so, too, Christ may be found exclusively in God’s Gospel and not in one which He has not Authored. Christ is only revealed in God’s Gospel and is only believed in by all whom God has seen fit to grant the Faith to believe it and bestow His eternal grace upon. These, and these alone, are those who have a love for God’s Truth and recognize it as such and who also recognize and reject every false teaching which attacks the Person and Work of Christ, which could not be part of God’s Gospel. A true Christian is doctrinally accurate when it comes to the Gospel, for belief in that Gospel is the prime evidence of salvation. If we are to teach the Gospel with uncorruptness, then it is according to biblical reason that we are to believe it without corruptness (see Titus 2:7). If one does not abide in the doctrine of Christ, one has not God. If this were not the case, then how could the apostle John state that those who do not abide in the doctrine of Christ have not God. Abiding in the doctrine of Christ is simply believing the Gospel of Christ and continuing therein. Only those who do abide in the doctrine of Christ have God for they show, by their very beliefs, their faith, that they indeed have been born of God. They no longer understand with their natural minds but have been given the mind of Christ, and so believe His Gospel. Those who abide in a false gospel cannot, at the same time, be abiding in the doctrine of Christ. They are LOST.
Do you, my friend, believe the Gospel? If not, then the Bible says that you have not God. If you deny any part of the message which has been given by God, then you deny all of it and falsely lay claim to it. If you deny any part of Christ’s work, then you deny His Person for the two are as one. If you deny what Christ has done, then you deny the True Christ and the christ you now believe in is a counterfeit. Christ says: "Whosoever therefore shall confess ME before men, him will I also confess before My Father which is in heaven" (Matt.10:32). Those who do not believe God’s Gospel have not God and have yet to confess the True Christ, for they do not hold to His Doctrine. This includes the vast majority of professing christians who believe that Christ died for all. The Bible says that the True Christ died for His Church, His people: "Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for it" (Eph.5:25). Scripture says that a little leaven (false doctrine) leavens the whole lump. This means that a little false teaching added to the Gospel changes the message from God’s Truth into Satan’s lie. Add the smallest fraction to the true answer or take away the smallest fraction from the true answer and you no longer have the truth but a lie.
Sadly, this writer has heard many people claim that they believe the Gospel message but they cannot believe that they were not saved for the past 30 years or whatever merely because of ignorance over one or two doctrines. One person wrote saying that they believe the Gospel but they do not believe that a person is not saved because they do not believe in a particular doctrine! My friends, how are we to define the Gospel we believe apart from stating the doctrines which distinguish our Gospel from all counterfeits? How could God have revealed His Eternal Gospel to His elect without doctrine, which not only identifies His Gospel but also distinguishes it from all others? If the doctrines which make up the gospel you believe in are false doctrines, then how can you be believing in God’s Gospel? How can you be abiding in Christ’s doctrine? Those who believe they were saved before hearing and believing God’s Gospel, base their conviction on the many experiences and perceived answers to prayer they believe they have received. These people are in the most deplorable of conditions, for they are under the delusion that they are saved, and cannot realise that by saying they were saved before coming to a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, or that a person does not need to believe in a particular doctrine to be saved, they are basing their salvation on something other than the Grace of God and the Righteousness of Christ. Their testimony is not in accord with God’s Testimony which is the ONLY Testimony that matters. No matter how royally a man’s convictions are crowned with sincerity, it is not what man says or believes or is convinced the Gospel is, it is what God says that matters. And if God has said that no man can trust in the True Savior before hearing and believing His Gospel (Eph. 1:13) and that no man who abides not in Christ’s doctrine has God (2 Jn. 9), then that is the end of the matter and man’s feelings and experiences and outrage at the ramifications of such Truths and everything else that he can come up with, just does not come into the equation. It doesn’t amount to a hill of beans, as the saying goes. If they held to a biblical belief of the Righteousness of Christ, then they would hold to the Gospel message that teaches that none can be saved prior to hearing and believing the Gospel, for the Gospel is where the Righteousness of Christ is revealed. And they would readily forsake all that was done and held to prior to hearing and believing God’s Gospel. This writer believed false gospels for approximately 35 years before finally hearing and believing the Gospel of Christ. How could I rightly have claimed to be saved for all those years when I had never heard the Gospel message and therefore could never at any time have believed the Gospel? How could I have had God when I did not abide in His doctrine? How could I have rightly based my salvation on the ground of Christ’s Righteousness alone during all those years when I knew nothing of the Righteousness of Christ? My ignorance of the fact that once God has saved a man, he is saved eternally and why this was so, showed that I was ignorant of what Christ had accomplished on the Cross for His people, and that all of salvation is conditioned on Him. Ignorance of the Work of Christ is absolute and conclusive evidence that one is in a lost state. Such ignorance is the seed from which germinates many lies about the Person and Work of Christ. It is belief in the True Christ and His Work which is evidence that one has heard and indeed believes in God’s only Gospel.
One man wisely stated: "How can God be just and justify the ungodly? (see 2 Cor.5:21). That’s the central issue in the glory of God. Its the central issue in the salvation of sinners. Its the central issue in the very Gospel itself. If the gospel you believe is the True Gospel and not a counterfeit, it answers that question: ‘How can God be just and justify the ungodly?’ If it doesn’t answer that, if it sets those two things at odds, its a lopsided, counterfeit, false gospel. It may talk about the love of God and the mercy of God. It may even talk about the justice of God. But unless it can see justice and mercy coming together in complete harmony to the praise of the glory of His grace, in Christ, its not the Gospel of eternal salvation. The Gospel tells us that Christ is the Mediator of the Covenant, was the Supreme Object of God’s justice and wrath as well as the Supreme Object of God’s love and mercy, and He did it when He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. God sent His Son, the Scripture says, to be a Propitiation. That means a Satisfaction for the sins of His people. And Christ stood charged, not with personal guilt but with imputed guilt. The Scripture says in 2 Cor. 5:21 ‘for He hath made Him to be sin for us’. God the Father made God the Son to be sin. That is, He legally charged God the Son with the sins of a multitude of people. And it says in Isaiah 53: ‘it pleased the Lord to bruise Him.’ It says ‘He that spared not his own Son’ (Rom. 8:32). ‘When Thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin’ (Isa. 53:10). And if you doubt that the justice of God must be implemented and carried out and manifested and honored, then look at the Cross of Calvary where God spared not His own Son. People in this country go around naming the name of Christ thinking that God’s going to spare them and their sons, when they’re ignorant of the only ground of salvation. Well, my friend, God spared not His own Son when guilt was laid upon Him, guilt not of His own making but guilt that was imputed. And, let me tell you something, never was the union of infinite love and inflexible justice more displayed, and never was the nature, as well as the reality, of both more illustrated than in the cross of Christ. And this great combination of mercy and justice in the salvation of sinners is peculiar and unique to the scheme which is revealed in the Gospel. No other message of any other religion states it, or has it. I used to wonder when I was in Arminian free-willism religion, I used to seriously wonder, ‘what is so unique about what we’re saying?’ All we’re simply saying is that there is a God. He loves people. He sent Christ to make salvation possible if we’d just do certain things. Well, in some form or another every other religion says that same thing. Whether it be Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist whatever. It has a god, as supreme being or maybe many gods, but somehow they send someone who helps man along, who makes man saveable if he will just exercise certain faculties of his own goodness and merit. And that’s basically what arminian free-will religion says. That’s not unique! That’s the religion of man, with the ornaments of what they call ‘christianity’, hung around. But my friend, when it comes to how God can be just and justify the ungodly, that’s unique. Nobody’s ever come up with that. That’s not the religion of man, that’s the mystery of God’s grace. And its not mystery because its confusing or hidden, its mystery because it has to be revealed. You see, the Gospel is God’s Promise of eternal salvation and final glory conditioned on the Mediatorial work of Christ. You think. Do you know of any other religion, that when you were in false religion naming the name of Christ, did you ever truly consider ALL of salvation from beginning to final glory conditioned upon the One Person of Jesus Christ? You never did it, and neither did I. If the Gospel is no more than God loves you and sent Christ to make you saveable and enable you to meet certain conditions, then this great plan that I’m telling you about, the Bible tells you about, is destroyed. The Gospel is the preaching of the terms of an everlasting Covenant of eternal salvation and final glory conditioned on Christ and on Him alone."
I leave you with three very important and vital verses of Scripture. The apostle John wrote the following to true believers in the True God and His True Gospel: "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is True, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the True God, and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen" (1 Jn.5:19-21). "But alas! How did we live before we knew Jesus, the only true God? Truly, though we talked of God, thought we knew, worshipped, and feared Him, yet we were all the while, like the rest of the whole world, ‘lying in wickedness,’ fast asleep in the arms of the wicked one, were without Christ, ‘without God in the world,’ and consequently had no hope (Eph.2:12)."
One man has wisely stated: "Everybody thinks they’re saved, BEFORE they’re saved, UNTIL they’re saved". They do this based on everything from appearances and moral reformations to good intentions and religious zeal. When the Holy Spirit comes and convicts a man of sin, the sin of not believing in the True Christ and His glorious Gospel Message his standard of saved and lost changes forever. A man under Holy Spirit conviction sees that what he once considered good is really evil and wicked in the sight of God. That all his own efforts at goodness and morality and what he thought was award-winning obedience to God was nothing but dead works for he never knew God (see Matt. 7:22,23). Lost man sees all these things as joint contributors to forming the ground of salvation and eternal acceptance with God. Such anti-Christ beliefs reject the True Christ and His Righteousness alone as the only ground of salvation and replaces the Person and Works of the True Christ with that of an impudent christ and their own religious efforts.
"...the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them THAT KNOW NOT GOD, AND THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power; when He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day" (2 Thess.1:7-10).
"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, HATH NOT GOD. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, HE HATH BOTH THE FATHER AND THE SON" (2 Jn. 9).