Views, I might add, which each have their scholarly support. Instead, many have opted for something much more readily digestible: what they believe the truth to be. In this overly informed, or rather misinformed, knowledgeable but hardly wise world, the truth no longer matters but only the notion that 'if you believe something then it is truth (to you)', and that is as close as anyone will get to truth.
The outcome of all this is a people who readily judge according to appearance. If a person who is gentle, loving, deeply devout and says they love God, who are we to question whether they love the true God or a false god based on whether they believe the true Gospel or a false gospel. To say that someone is not a Christian simply because of what they believe and what they do not believe, or because they have a different perspective of what the Truth of God concerning His Gospel is, is foolishness to both this schizophrenic world's secular and religious sides. Most people judge someone saved by their character and conduct. They opine, 'They are all such lovely, loving and sincere people, so despite their different, and in some instances contradictory beliefs, rather than revealing that some are right and some are wrong, must mean that the Truth of God's Gospel has many versions and interpretations for how could any such people be anything but right. How could they not know God. How could they not be on the road to Heaven'. Thus, knowing little to nothing of what they actually believe, the world, basing its judgement solely on the appearance, good works and kind natures of the religious, conclude all such people saved. The Lord Jesus said: "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24). It is unwise to judge according to the appearance, with respect of persons or to please men. God is no respecter or persons and so should the Christian be also (see Matthew 22:16; Galatians 2:6; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25). The wise judge according to truth. When it comes to judging saved and lost one should never judge someone saved by who they are, or by what they claim to be, but by what they believe. But most just want to get along and to avoid controversy and dramas and that dreaded word, 'doctrine'. 'Don't talk about the negatives let's all just focus on the positives.' We've got to 'eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive', as the old song, which could easily be the anthem of the Ecumenical Movement, goes. According to this line of reasoning far from being in a lost state, everyone is saved as long as they claim to be a Christian regardless of what they believe! Believe God is like this, or believe He is like that; believe God saves this way or that He saves that way the details are not important. What matters is believing in the one Who created the details. Many are given to believe that, 'It matters not what I believe about Jesus but that I believe in Jesus'. 'It matters not what I know or believe, but who I love.' BUT SURELY WHAT A PERSON BELIEVES ABOUT JESUS DEFINES THE JESUS THEY BELIEVE IN, THE JESUS THEY LOVE! It stands to Biblical reason that only belief in the right details, the true details contained in the true God's Gospel about Who God is and what He has done to save His people from their sins, reveals that one has been given the gift of saving Faith from God. The details of what you believe is the incontrovertible evidence which shows who you believe in whether it is the True God or a false god, a god of one's imagination or the God of the Gospel. However, the undeniable sincerity and devoutness displayed by the majority of people, in addition to a casual belief in a Scripture or two concerning the things of God, is proof enough for most that what they believe, if not the truth itself, is close enough to the truth. 'God knows my heart. My intentions are sincere and therefore what I believe must be good. I go about doing good and I believe in God. I love God, so I must be a Christian.' Many are taught that what we believe does not actually affect our salvation for all will be rectified when we get to Heaven. One false preacher even declaring, "A lot of you will have to go to school when you get to Heaven". Conversely, Scripture says that the elect of God are all TAUGHT OF GOD HERE ON EARTH! The Lord Jesus states clearly "...And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto Me" (John 6:45). Belief of the Gospel of God must take place during one's life for after life is the Judgement. The 'school bell' does not sound upon our deaths it is ringing right now! God has appointed teachers and preachers etc., to preach and teach His Gospel now and gives the gift of Faith to His people so they will know and believe His Gospel during their lifetime (see 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11). A person won't even get to Heaven unless the Father has taught them here on earth. In order to get to Heaven one must come unto the Lord here on earth by the hearing of the teaching of the Gospel of God. Once a man dies it is time for the Judgement not his enrolment in some fictional Heavenly Bible school' (Hebrews 9:27). Many consider their beliefs a private matter which they do not discuss with anyone. They believe that what lies at the heart of the issue of salvation is, not so much what a person believes about the Person and Works of the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather a person's sincerity in believing whatever it is they believe coupled with their character and conduct. Of course man prefers to be judged according to these things because it places him in the driver's seat and makes him the preeminent one. The emphasis is shifted from Who Christ is and what Christ has done - His Righteousness - to the character and conduct of each individual - man's righteousness.
Most people think they're going to Heaven because they haven't sinned that badly. So, rather than be bothered with doctrine and verifying what they believe etc., man thinks he is ok regardless of what he believes because, 'God knows my heart'. But surely what a man thinks, what he believes, must be measured by what God says. Surely the Truth matters when it comes to how a man is saved. Surely what a man trusts for his salvation is the very core issue of whether he is saved or lost for what he trusts reveals who he trusts. What many people fail to understand is the fact that sin, whether it be a 'white' lie or murder, condemns us. The emphasis in Scripture is not on the amount, or degree, of sin but that we have sinned at all which reveals we are sinners worthy of the eternal Wrath of God. David said, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me" (Psalms 51:5 cf. Job 14:4). All sin because are all sinners. Conceived in sin and born to it. We are all sinners and nothing we do can ever undo what sin has done. The rotten apple may still have a pleasant fragrance but this can never undo its rottenness, it can never return the apple to its once pristine condition. Someone who is a murderer for instance is not judged innocent of their crime by looking at all the good things they may have done throughout their life or how generally nice the guy is. A court of law does not take these things into account for they are irrelevant. The evidence points to the fact that despite how nice the guy is and how many times he has helped people around the neighborhood he is guilty as charged. A person who gets pulled over for running a red light is not going to be let off receiving a fine because they have never gone through a red light before. Our good deeds cannot provide us with immunity from the punishment due unto our sins, nor can they ever undo the fact that we are sinners who have sinned against a Just and Holy God. Sin must be dealt with and Perfection established for anyone to be saved "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" and, "...the wages of sin is death" (Romans 3:23 & Romans 6:23). God says: "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4). James writes, "For whosoever shall keep the whole Law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all" (James 2:10). Offending in just one point of the Law revealed one as a transgressor of the Law (see James 2:11). Holding to a gospel which is not the perfect Gospel of God is to believe in a gospel which has either taken from God's grace or added to it. Even if the perversion concerns only one Gospel doctrine the believer of it has become a transgressor of the Gospel of God. The only way a man can be justified before God is by grace. GRACE IS GOD DOING. What God has done for His people is something which could never be done by themselves. Therefore to be a saved person is to BELIEVE IN WHAT GOD HAS DONE, entirely by grace, to save His people from their sins. "Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Romans 3:24). The doctrines of grace, the teachings of grace can all be found in the Gospel, the Good News, of the grace of God. No false gospel is made up solely of God's grace and therefore has no power to save. Any false gospel which claims to be the Gospel of grace has its 'grace' cancelled out by any works it says man must do in order to either gain or maintain his 'salvation'. Every false gospel, whilst including some of God's grace, maintains that man must do something to get or remain saved. That a man's works is the appendage to what God has done for him which his salvation cannot do without. But God's Gospel says salvation is gained and maintained by the Lord Jesus Christ alone: "By the obedience of One shall many be made Righteousness" (Romans 5:19). Scripture says of the Christian: "Ye are COMPLETE in Him..." (Colossians 2:10). The Word of God also says that the Christian is, "...KEPT by the power of God through Faith unto salvation..." (see 1 Peter 1:1-5).
In order to be saved a man's sins must be removed and replaced by a perfect Righteousness. This has been done for all God's elect through and by the Savior Jesus Christ. The sins of His people have been imputed, or charged, to Him and His Perfect Righteousness has been imputed, or charged, to them. Writing to Christians, the apostle Paul said: "For He hath made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin; that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him" (2 Corinthians 5:21). "Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth Righteousness without works, Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin" (Romans 4:6-8). TRUE SALVATION IS RIGHTEOUSNESS WITHOUT WORKS! The true and only Gospel of God teaches Righteousness without works. Salvation by Faith in what Christ has done and not by what religion demands a man must do. This is salvation by grace and is all revealed in the Gospel of God's grace toward His people, those whom He has chosen before the foundation of the world. Therefore what a person believes has EVERYTHING to do with being saved or being lost! If you believe God's Gospel of salvation then you are saved because you believe, you trust ONLY, in what God has done to save you and place no reliance whatsoever upon who you are or what you have done. It must be made clear that a saved person's believing is not a work of theirs but is a gift from God (see Ephesians 2:8,9). Believing does not save the elect, but rather, the gift of Faith to believe God's Gospel is the evidence that they are saved. However, if what you believe is not the Gospel of God, if your trust is in another gospel which teaches that what God has done to save His people from their sins is insufficient, in and of itself, to save you, that your obedience is also required to either gain, maintain or ensure your salvation, you are lost. The faith you have is your own and not that precious gift from God by which all God's people believe God's Gospel of grace. How nice a person is, or how religious they are etc., cannot save anyone. Salvation does not come by what we do but only by what God has done. Salvation is by grace through Faith in what God has done. Salvation is through the Grace given gift of Faith to believe in God: what He has done by grace to save His people from their sins. Salvation comes by God doing, not by what man can or should do. The election of a man unto salvation is not motivated by what the man has done but solely by the grace of God: "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace..." (Romans 11:6). Clearly, salvation is not the result of a combined effort between grace and works for the one cancels out the other. By its very nature salvation by grace completely does away with any need for works. An important rule to remember is salvation by grace is salvation by God. Salvation by works, whether it be solely by works or in collaboration with grace, is salvation by man. Salvation by God alone is salvation by grace, and, salvation by grace alone is to truly be saved by God. If works legitimately enter into the equation then there would be no need for grace for ultimately salvation would be dependent upon what a man does. Salvation is either by grace or by works. These terms are often juxtaposed in Scripture (see Romans 3:20-24; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:4-7). One of the greatest Scriptures which deals with grace and works is found in Paul's second Letter to Timothy. Speaking of God, Paul says: "Who hath saved us, and called us with an Holy calling, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began" (2 Timothy 1:9). The Gospel of the apostle Paul did not include within it the preaching of works as part of God's salvation plan, for Paul said "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if Righteousness come by the Law, then Christ is dead in vain" (Galatians 2:21). The word frustrate means to 'nullify, to do away with, to thwart the efficacy of anything, to reject, to refuse, to put as of no value', and, 'to act towards anything as though it were annulled, to deprive a law of its force by opinions or acts contrary to it'. To include works as part of what saves, or keeps a man saved, is to put an end to grace. It is to reject the competency of grace alone to save anyone. To reject grace is to reject God. To join a man's works to the Grace of God is to also reject grace which is to reject God. The grace of God does not merely place a man in a salvable state, only to see him ultimately saved by his works, for a man is saved by the Grace of God. To trust in works, whether one attributes God's grace as that which enables a man to perform 'saving works', or not, is to count the grace of God alone in the absence of the works of man, as insufficient to save His chosen ones. In other words it is saying that God alone cannot save anyone but needs help from man. To consider works as being even a part of the ground of salvation is to completely do away with, to reject and refuse, the Righteousness of Christ alone as the only ground of salvation. It is to reject the God-breathed words that declare a man is saved, made Righteous, only "...by the obedience of One..." (Romans 5:19). If salvation is by the obedience of One then it is ONLY by the obedience of One and, therefore, requires no assistance from the obedience of any other. If salvation is by grace then it is ONLY by grace and, therefore, requires nothing to be added to it. Those who insist that a man's works are necessary to salvation, that the obedience of Christ alone is not enough and that grace alone is not enough to save anyone without the augmentation of a man's works, do not have grace at all, they do not have Christ at all, but all they do have is a monstrous hybrid of 'grace' and works: a gospel which cannot save. Anytime you add a work of man's to the grace of God you automatically cancel out grace. Like oil and water, grace and works simply will not mix because they are not attracted to each other. They are mutually repulsive. Grace is attracted only to grace and works to works. The reason why grace and works are immiscible, why they will not mix together, is because the force of attraction between the 'molecules', if you will, of grace, and between the 'molecules' of a man's works is greater than the force of attraction between the two elements. In other words grace sticks to itself and works stick to itself and, as with east and west, never the twain shall/can meet. Interestingly, the language of science phrases it this way 'substances which are immiscible do not form a solution'. Grace and works are not bedfellows but are sworn enemies for each one does away with the need of the other. One is of God and the other is of man. Salvation, therefore, is either wholly by the grace of God or solely by the works/obedience of man. To look upon a man's works as necessary to the ground of salvation is to say that grace is inefficient of itself to save, and if grace alone is inefficient to save, so too, must the obedience of Christ alone be inefficient to save anyone. To place any confidence and reliance upon one's works when it comes to the matter of salvation is to commit the ultimate insult toward God for works is an act of open defiance against grace. Any form of salvation by works is a disgruntled and self-willed shaking of the fist against God and His grace. To those who rely upon their works, in any way to any degree, for their salvation, the apostle Paul writes: "...Christ shall profit you nothing" (Galatians 5:2). In other words, 'Don't go looking to Christ to save you if you believe what you do is necessary to save you or keep you saved', for reliance upon even one work makes a man, "...a debtor to do the whole law" (Galatians 5:3). If you are a debtor to the law then you cannot be a recipient of grace, for, "...Cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them" (Galatians 3:10). God has provided a Savior, Jesus Christ His Son and through this Savior, the only one Whom God has testified of in His Gospel, salvation is provided and subsequently obtained by all His chosen ones. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). "...God hath not appointed us to Wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us..." (1 Thessalonians 5:9,10). Needless to say, sincere belief in a false gospel has not and will not help anyone. Trusting in a gospel which does not reveal the true Jesus is trusting in a jesus of whom God does not testify in His Gospel. Only Faith in Jesus Christ and His Righteousness, which comes from God by grace and eternally separates us from our sins, is the saving Faith which comes from God.
Man is a highly religious creature. Man has worshipped almost everything from sculptured stone, wood, brass, silver and even gold to animals and even other men. Paul the apostle even tells of an altar built by the men of Athens with the inscription, "...TO THE UNKNOWN GOD..." (Acts 17:23). There are many things which people of varying faiths agree upon concerning the things of God. For instance, many agree that God is Almighty. That He can do anything. Many agree that 'God is the Creator of all things'. And, many also say they believe that 'God has a Son, Jesus', Who is 'God the Son, the Savior of the world' and that 'salvation is by grace' and that 'Christ died for sinners'. Whilst all this may at first signal all is well and good it is what lies below the surface of these well worn phrases that reveals what exactly people believe about God and His Son and just what they mean by 'grace'. So many have, what can best be described as, a superficial understanding of what the Scriptural meaning of these phrases are. A couple of University researchers termed this "The illusion of explanatory depth". They explained that many people mistake their familiarity with things for the belief that they have a detailed, accurate, understanding of how they work. Most are seldom challenged about what they believe let alone asked to give a detailed account as to why they believe it. And so, they continue on in their lives mistaking familiarity with accurate understanding. Among the most argued about questions in the history of the world are Who is God?, Which is the true God? and What is God like? What has He done to save sinners from their sin and an eternity in Hell?, and, What must I do to be saved? Apart from the myriad of differing religious organizations and beliefs from the early days of pagan man to the present, the world of Christendom today has as many, if not more, diametrically opposing beliefs within it than perhaps all of the others combined. The fantasy world of professing christians is indeed filled with a multitude of differing and conflicting beliefs and views that not only disagree concerning the Character of God, but also what a man is to trust in order to show he is saved. These beliefs are not based on what God has said but upon what people have been led to believe, and become convinced in themselves, God has said.
The art of sophistry is alive and well in the religious world and the ignorance of people is the lifeblood of those who are practiced in the clever use of false arguments, which appear plausible, even logical, but which are in reality designed to deceive. The only people to whom error of any kind, be it mathematical, scientific or spiritual, sounds at worst plausible and at best irrefutable fact, are the people who do not know what the truth is. How many lies about God have been received into the minds of the masses because they have been hidden within the 'sincere' convictions and false preaching of lauded and revered men? However, when examined in the Light of God's Word these lies are exposed as both Scripturally implausible and illogical. As doctrines of men rather than doctrines of God. Whether or not a man intentionally sets out to deceive or whether he sincerely believes what he is saying, he is nothing but a cursed deceiver if he brings not with him the true Gospel of God. "For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple" (Romans 16:18; cf. Galatians 1). The 'pastors' who are wise according to this world but who do not know the Word of God often speculate through sheer guesswork, yet with a tone of expertise, as to what the Gospel of God is. The air of authority which surrounds false pastors and teachers from all religions only serves to mask their intrinsic inability to come to the knowledge of the Truth of the Gospel of God. Many of them are like the Jewish leaders who liked to be called 'Rabbi' and to been seen as doctors of the law, understand "...neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm" (1 Timothy 1:7). "...they were ignorant of the things they talked of, and knew not by what arguments to confirm them, and yet were very bold and confident in their assertions: and generally speaking so it is, that those who can prove least assert most, and that with the greatest assurance."
This author believes the majority of professing Christian 'ministers' would agree that there is only One God and that He has only one Gospel. Their problem, however, is twofold: (1) the lack of knowledge and unity as to what exactly that Gospel is, and, (2) their legitimization of false gospels when accepting those who believe in any one of them as true Christians. In referring to the Gospel, Christ Jesus the Lord has declared: only those that believe God's Gospel will be saved and that those who do not believe the Gospel of God shall be damned (see Mark 16:15,16). To say that a person who does not believe the true Gospel of God is a Christian, is to blaspheme the Holy God and call Him a liar. Only those who believe God's Gospel are Christians and those who do not believe it are not Christians. This is the rule laid down by God in the Scriptures as to how to distinguish a true Christian from a false Christian. This is the very essence of what it is to be saved or damned. Do you believe the Gospel of God or do you disbelieve it by having faith in another. People believe what they believe because they believe it to be true. This alone does not make true what they believe to be true no matter the amount of sincerity attached to their beliefs. No one ever consciously, purposely, believed something which they knew to be false. Some 'pastors' teach only what they know their denomination has decreed to be truth yet they themselves do not actually believe it is truth. But, for the most part, a 'pastor' believes what he believes and teaches it to his congregation because he believes it to be true. He believes what he believes because he believes it to be God's Gospel. Now, in accepting a person as a Christian, as one saved by God, who disagrees with what the 'pastor' believes is the true Gospel of God, the 'pastor' is, thereby, confirming and legitimizing that person's gospel as the only Gospel of God. There would therefore be at least two gospels, according to this 'pastor', which have equal power to save, otherwise we would have a 'pastor' who believes that belief of the true Gospel of God is not necessary to salvation. That one may believe God's Gospel correctly or erroneously and still be saved. That 'pastor' would be saying that a person is a true Christian despite their not believing the true Gospel of Christianity, despite the fact they believe another gospel which the 'pastor' inwardly knows is not God's Gospel. For many, simply declaring oneself to be a Christian is enough and learning and being corrected by and believing the true Gospel of God is something which comes later on in a 'Christian's' life. That a person can be a Christian prior to their being born again, born of the Seed, or Gospel, of God. This is like saying a lamb can be born a goat's kid that will later become a sheep. What the 'pastor' has embroiled himself in is a 'dilemma encased in a contradiction inside a paradox'. While the 'pastor' believes within himself that what he believes is the Gospel of God and would never teach anything different to it, strangely, he outwardly accepts people as Christians whose faith he knows are in gospels which contradict his gospel, the one he believes is the only Gospel of God. There are those today who count themselves wise men and true teachers of God's Gospel who still cannot see, or will not openly admit to, the great yawning chasm which is fixed between those who rightly believe Christ died exclusively for the people God gave to Him, and those who wrongly believe that Christ died for every individual ever born. Rather than discerning these two doctrines as belonging to vastly different gospels, one being the Gospel of God and the other not the Gospel of God, they irresponsibly count all who believe in either gospel as Christians despite the fact that the two gospels constitute the very essence of truth and error, the very heart and soul of what the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error teach. The Gospel which is taught by the Spirit of Truth is made up of doctrines which diametrically oppose those taught by the spirit of error. These are two very distinct and eternally contrasting gospels, and, according to the Word of God, those who believe in the true are saved and those who believe in the false are lost. The spiritual madness which drives 'pastors' today in declaring that two people who believe in conflicting gospels are both saved, is brought about by a combination of social ethos and etiquette, an unwillingness to offend by speaking that which they know to be truth, seeking to please men rather than God and, perhaps, worst of all, they simply could not care less what anyone believes but are mostly concerned with character and conduct. A Christian must act a certain way but may believe whatever he is attracted to. These men reduce what they believe to be the Gospel of God to the level of false gospels every time they accept someone as a Christian who believes a gospel which contradicts what they believe is the true Gospel. They count that which is unworthy as worthy to be called the Gospel of God, and the lost who believe in false gospels as saved. How do these men sleep at night? Does God have one Gospel or does He have many Gospels? Is a man a Christian only if he believes the Gospel of God or even if he believes a gospel which is not the Gospel of God? Can a scholar rightly declare himself a scholar prior to his having acquired the knowledge necessary to be a scholar and successfully completed his exams? Of course not. No one is right until they are correct. And no one is a true Christian before they have ceased to be a false Christian. No one is a true believer of God's Gospel before they have ceased to believe in a false gospel's non-existent power to save. No one is a Christian before they know and believe the only Gospel of God. No one believes God's Gospel before they do. No one is a Christian before they believe the Gospel of God. When a person believed, or believes, a false gospel they were nothing but a false Christian. You cannot be a false Christian and savingly believe the true Gospel just like you cannot be a true Christian by believing a false gospel. No one is saved by believing a false gospel but only in savingly believing the true Gospel of God for THERE lies the evidence that God has visited them with grace and granted them the Faith with which to believe His only Gospel! To say one is saved by believing the true Gospel of God or a false gospel, is to say one can be saved by not believing in God's Gospel at all. Saved by not believing God at all. By the grace of God this author believes God's true Gospel and no other. I declare this Gospel and no other and if you believe in any other then, in love, I say to you your gospel is a false gospel, you do not have the Christ of God's Gospel, you are yet in your sins. This is something which, in this ecumenically minded world, 'pastors' simply will not do. Bound by their love of, and loyalty to, man, rather than to God. Are they directed by their denominations not to deny anyone's gospel so that their numbers will grow? So that the denomination will not be viewed as a cult, or cult-like, so that it can grow larger and, dare I say, richer? Or is the majority of what people believe to be Christianity simply a false Christianity filled with sincere yet deluded people which, curiously, believes that there is one God but many conflicting gospels which one can believe that all lead to Him, and which God somehow accepts as His Gospel. That there is in reality a million disparate gospels out there which have all mysteriously been grouped together, by God no less, under the banner 'GOD'S TRUE GOSPEL'? Those who cannot see through this lie are blinder than the blind.
The world has a million gods and a million gospels but the One True God and His people only have One Gospel. The world of true Christians is filled only with the true Gospel of God and there is no argument among them concerning Who God is, what God is like and how God saves sinners from an eternity in Hell, for God has revealed Himself to them and granted them all the same gift of Faith, by the same grace, to believe His Truth, His Gospel. "But there is a Spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding" (Job 32:8 cf. 1 Corinthians 2:9-12). The Word of God is given by the inspiration of God and Christians believe the Word of God by that same inspiration. "The inspiration or breathing of the Almighty: The idea was, that God breathed this into man, and that this wisdom was the breath of God." True Christians all believe with the one Faith which they have all received from the one and only God so that they will trust and believe in the one and only Gospel of the One and only God. Granted, there are things which true Christians can disagree about but these are all non-salvation issues. However, there is one thing upon which every true Christian agrees wholeheartedly and that is the Gospel of God: how God saves and who He saves.